Tweets OT 2018

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07/02/2018 Like 42

Third burn successful. Exceeded Mars orbit and kept going to the Asteroid Belt. À l'origine en anglais

24/02/2018 Like 43


Triste semaine...

Nous avons aussi appris le décès du Dr Jacques Costagliola qui a aussi beaucoup participé à la création et à la réussite du site Ummo-Sciences, par ses traductions et ses articles d'analyses.

02/02/2018 Like 44

Ryan Schroering @ryanschroering

En réponse à @StarTalkRadio If the plan is to eventually have permanent colonies on one of these planets, it would be easier (relatively) to control the properties of Venus’s atmosphere than the gravitational forces on Mars. Even if you could T-form Mars we’d still have to deal with degenerative bone issues

02/03/2018 Like 45


@oomo_toa So Elon Musk is wrong when he wants to bring humanity to Mars when we should go to Venus. Did you tell him? ;-)