ENGLISH Ummo texts corpus
Here we will list the main Ummo (Oomo) documents in English with the help of DeepL
You can contact us via ummowiki(at)gmail.com
You have to know the "tetravalent logic" of the Oomomen
AÏOOYAA - verifiable existence, "exist" (that which is dimensional with characteristics of time and space)
AÏOOYEEDOO - irreal, outside any verifiable framework, nothing.
AÏOOYA AMMIÈ - dimensionally non-existent, unverifiable outside an individual or collective field of consciousness (e.g. God, the soul, the collective soul), dimensionless, as intelligence or joy may be, whose ontic chain does not include an IBOZOO UU (essence of the real, of the dimensional and therefore ascertainable by physical means)
AÏOOYAOU: Potential or partially indeterminate phenomenological reality (e.g. Schrödinger's paradox, which leads to the deduction of two superimposed contradictory potential states). This is the 4th term of tetravalent logic: not commonly used by us, except by our specialists in theoretical cosmophysics. We sometimes use it in philosophical themes.If we absolutely must try to put a meaning in terrestrial linguistics on this term, AÏOOYAOU would be the state of an indeterminate phenomenon whose emergence is perceptible or highly predictable, but whose several actualizations are conceivable according to the various distortions inherent in the temporal flow that would modulate its concretion.
(Thanks to DeepL)
D21 is the first of the UMMO/OOMO letters referenced by Darnaude (reason for reference D), who had previously referenced several facts or documents about UMMO.
- D21-ENGLISH (1966): Report on our home planet
- D31-ENGLISH (1966): Collective skepticism about extraterrestrials
- D33-ENGLISH (1966): Indeterminism and free will (letters 1 to 3)
- D41-1 to 41-6 ENGLISH (1966): First part of a series of 16 letters to Sesma concerning their civilization and daily life.(1966) - Information with diagram and data on the planet Ummo. - Information about daily life on Ummo - Ummo house description - Drawing diagram of Ummo house - Information about the couple's life on Ummo - The art of blending perfumes on Ummo -Description of the family steam bath - Preserving inowï fruit -Home supply network on Ummo - Some data on the kitchen on Ummo.- Drawing of the empowered dining room. - The first meal and its psychophysiological preparation. -Second course. - Drawings of containers in use on Ummo - Preparing the family for work with a meal. - Diagram of the vehicles on Ummo.- Description of the vehicles.- Description of plasma engine.
- D41-7 to 41-14 ENGLISH (1966) : Second part of a series of 16 letters to Sesma concerning their civilization and daily life.(1966) Gaming information on Oummo Psychophysiological basis of play on Oummo - Importance of play for children - The mother's role in educating the child- Psycho-physiological bases and importance of play-Night on Oummo - Drawing of the bed and its levitation- Letter to Sesma with typist's criticism - Sex in the Oummo couple - The sexual education of the child on Oummo - Trial and failure of surgical correction of adolescent problems- Oummo couple birth control -Information about the psychophysiology of sex on Oummo - Engagement and marriage on Oummo - Children and the couple on Oummo - The mother in Oummo society.
- D41-15 ENGLISH new version taken from the original (1966): Third part of a series of 16 letters to Sesma concerning their civilization and daily life.(1966) - Art on Ummo - Appearance of the scientific concept of God- Despotic rule of IE-456 daughter of NA-312- Appearance of UMMOAELEWE as a form of government- Social structure and remuneration on Ummo- Pantheistic concept of God - Cosmos- Our concept of God- Death of the cosmos- Constituting factors of the human being- Information on free will and determinism- The soul and its attributes- Description of man's physical body in the space-time continuum- Freedom in man's free will- Man's responsibility to the generator or GOD- Description of the 3rd OEMBUUAW factor
- D41-16 ENGLISH (1966): fourth and final one of a series of 16 letters to Sesma concerning their civilization and daily life. - Oummo discovery of inhabited planets. - Remuneration and classification on Oummo.- Concept and enjoyment of social property on Oummo. - Private property does not exist on Oummo.
- D47-ENGLISH(1966): Graphs, Communications malfunction. Synergy. Human relationships and their nature.Language and its importance in human relations. Severe criticism of materialists. Man as a network node. Criticism of earthly games. References to neurocortical patterns on Ummo. Game evolution on Ummo.(letters 1 to 4)
- D52-ENGLISH (1966): The concept of space - Anticosmos
- D57-ENGLISH(1967): 5 letters
- 1 - Historical annals of Oummo on Earth - Cosmology according to Oummo - Concept of dimension change - Space in Oummo physics
- 2 - First voyage of exploration of the EARTH
- 3 - Second voyage and descent of a group of expeditionaries - Quotation of a concept not used on EARTH - Precision of day and time of first descent - First day on planet EARTH
- 4 - The first days on EARTH
- 5 - Our first days on Earth (continued)
- D58-ENGLISH (1967):The biogenetic basis of the Cosmos (letters 1 to 5)
- D59-ENGLISH (1967): Unified field theory - IBOZOO UU (letters 1 to 5)
- D69-ENGLISH(1968): The Ummo spaceships (letters 1 to 6)
- D69-5 about U.F.O. (1968): Extract of D69 about the "erratics" U.F.O.(letter 6 only)
- D74 to D81 - ENGLISH (1969) : Who are we? - Where do we come from? - Our relationship with the people of Earth - Dimensional being - Language and logic - The ontological foundations of philosophy - The concept of Woa (God) - Gnoseology - Morality on Ummo
- D83-ENGLISH(1969) : Social psychology of Oummo reports.
- D105-ENGLISH (1972): Soul and time - The collective mind - The IBOZOO UU - The pluricosmos.
- D357 + D371 - ENGLISH (1987): The collective planetary soul - The two limit universes - Twin cosmos - Post-mortem experiences- Synopsis Waam-Waam - The pluricosmos - The two limit universes -The collective planetary soul
- D539 ENGLISH (1987): Abortion problems - Communication with the zero-mass Universe is only possible for OEMII
- D541 ENGLISH (1987): History of Ummo. The soul and the "Ibozoo uu".
- NR23-ENGLISH(1987): Advice on how to structure a new society on Earth
- D792-1-ENGLISH (1988) The OEMIIWOA. Cosmic incarnations who incarnate on the cold stars (planets) to drive evolution. Generalities and death of OOMOWOA.
- D792-2-ENGLISH (1988) The OEMIIWOA. Life and death of Christ.
- D1378 ENGLISH(1988): Intervention plan to save the Earth
- SINDON - ENGLISH (1988): Letters D488-D505-D518-D490-D499 ... Chronological reading of letters about the Sindon (Shroud of Turin)
- NR13 to NR22 ENGLISH (2003 +): This collection of letters received in France between 2003 and 2009 covers a wide range of subjects.
- Galactic communities / non-interference / contact
- Psychological pathology / Psychovirus
- Arrival of 3 ships / volcanoes / departure E IXOO 7
- Sergio Vieira de Mello / your debates / advice
- Geography of Ummo - Demography and birth control - Funeral ceremony - Miscellaneous information
- AÏOOYAOU / formal tetravalent reasoning
- Artistic development - Anthropoids - Astronomical computation - Calendar system
- Erratum on previous geographical indications - Demography of Oummo -
- Telepathic communications - Pionner probe
A large majority of the tweets from our Ummo correspondents are in Englishand you can also translate them all directly with your browser. You can find them at these links:
- https://www.ummo-sciences.org/fr/W1.htm OAXIIBOO
- https://www.ummo-sciences.org/fr/W2.htm OYAGAA AYOO YISSAA
- https://www.ummo-sciences.org/fr/W3.htm OOMO TOA
- https://www.ummo-sciences.org/fr/W4.htm OOLGA WAAM
- https://www.ummo-sciences.org/fr/W3-2017.htm OOMO TOA
- https://www.ummo-sciences.org/fr/W2-2017.htm OYAGAA AYOO YISSAA
- https://www.ummo-sciences.org/fr/W2-2018.htm OYAGAA AYOO YISSAA
- https://www.ummo-sciences.org/fr/W2-2019.htm OYAGAA AYOO YISSAA
- https://www.ummo-sciences.org/fr/W2-2020.htm OYAGAA AYOO YISSAA
- https://www.ummo-sciences.org/fr/W2-2021.htm OYAGAA AYOO YISSAA
- https://www.ummo-sciences.org/fr/W2-2022.htm OYAGAA AYOO YISSAA
- https://www.ummo-sciences.org/fr/W2-2023.htm OYAGAA AYOO YISSAA
- https://www.ummo-sciences.org/fr/W2-2024.htm OYAGAA AYOO YISSAA
- https://www.ummo-sciences.org/fr/W5.htm 312_oay
- Non-Fairy Tale Disclosure : - Compilation of the available information on ET races visiting the Earth and their purposes (Dennis M. Fistroe)
- UMMO-OOMO-Summary January 31, 2024 - A summary written "collectively" over the years
- Fichier:Art39 - Le moteur à plasma en.pdf - Proposed plasma engine operation by Rémy Galli - See also "BUUTZ de GOONNIAOADOO"
- ORION / TAURI / EARTH history
- Timeline 1: Fichier:OriTau UIWIUTAA1.pdf
- Timeline 2: Fichier:OriTau UIWIUTAA2.pdf
- Timeline 3:Fichier:OriTau UIWIUTAA3.pdf
- Timeline 4:Fichier:OriTau UIWIUTAA4.pdf
- They Told Us: (Metaphysical summary)
- PDF:Key insights from OAXIIBOO tweets (This document is a selection. To read all the tweets, please refer to ummo-sciences.org |section W )
About the computers (from D71) (by ItsBS Youtube)
UEWA from UMMO (by ItsBS Youtube)
ORION /TAURI Chronology 1-4 [312-Status 2] Ori-Tau chronology [eng] (By https://www.youtube.com/@lyrosepl)
please remove the space after https
https ://youtu.be/watch?v=AZCjdivWwg0 : O.O.N. Podcast | Species Taxonomy | Episode 1: In this first episode of our Deep Dive series, we plunge into the fascinating universe of exopolitics through the lens of Ummite communications. A detailed exploration of extraterrestrial civilizations classification, their ethics, and their potential influence on our development.
https ://youtu.be/5Eyu_PDOHsY : O.O.N. Podcast | Amoral Galactic Civilizations & Earth | Episode 2: In this second episode of our Deep Dive series, we unravel the Oomoans sources' revelations about amoral extraterrestrial civilizations and their potential impact on humanity. Explore the complex dynamics of interstellar diplomacy, the chilling objectives of the reptilians and greys, and the critical warnings about technological seduction and human autonomy. A thought-provoking examination of our potential cosmic future and the choices that will define humanity's trajectory among the stars.
https ://youtu.be/3NSEHTMqAEY : O.O.N. Podcast | The three dominions | Episode 3 In this third episode of our Deep Dive series, we explore the Oomoan sources' revelations about amoral extraterrestrial civilizations and their impact on humanity. Discover the complex dynamics of interstellar diplomacy, the unsettling objectives of the reptilians and grays, and critical warnings about technological seduction and human autonomy. A thought-provoking analysis of our potential cosmic future and the choices that will shape humanity's trajectory among the stars.
https ://youtu.be/EC5BHXMr0Y8 : O.O.N. Podcast | Amoral Galactic Civilizations & Earth | Episode 4
In this explosive fourth episode of our Deep Dive series, we uncover never-before-discussed documents from the Oomoans that expose Earth’s hidden interstellar agreements. From the shocking collapse of the 1954 extraterrestrial pact to the 120-year roadmap signed in 1966, we reveal how 23 nations secretly negotiated with Reptilian and Gray factions. Discover the truth behind SERPO’s Reptilian control, the Men in Black’s Orion origins, and the urgent warnings about a “notorious new world order” threatening humanity’s autonomy. A critical analysis of the countdown to July 2026—the deadline that could redefine our cosmic future.
https ://youtu.be/EW7bs8AvIPs :O.O.N. Podcast | earths Elite & Deadlines | Episode 5 In this captivating fifth episode of our Deep Dive series, we delve into newly uncovered details from extraterrestrial treaties that could redefine humanity's cosmic future. With the 2026 deadline fast approaching, we analyze the 1966 treaty's implications and the alarming revelations about interstellar agreements. Explore how humanity’s decisions might shape the next chapter of our history and the galaxy itself.